College and Career Center

Helping students explore educational and career options, make realistic career decisions, and establish career goals.


Viri Acosta, College and Career Specialist | (703) 642-4113@email 


The College and Career Center is in room 103 in Student Services.

Also, visit our College & Career Planning Google Site!


  • School Day:
    • Monday-Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm
    • Pride Time
    • Lunch (except C-Lunch)
    • Periodically, the College and Career Center is closed for classes or meetings.
  • Parents who wish to visit the Career Center may do so by scheduling an appointment by phone or email.
  • Evening meetings are also available by appointment.

College and Career Center Services

The Annandale High School College and Career Center provides a variety of resources for college and career planning.  It is a place where students can come to obtain information on four-year colleges, community colleges, and universities, testing and test preparation, financial aid, and scholarships, career possibilities and college majors’ descriptions.

In collaboration with the academic counselors, we continue to work on providing comprehensive data about post-secondary opportunities for all students. In addition to scheduled appointments, students are welcome to come to the College and Career Center before school, lunch, and after school to utilize the resources.  

Location: The College and Career Center is in Student Services, room 103.

CEEB Code: The school CEEB code for Annandale High School is 470080

The College & Career Center is a service of the Student Services Department. The Career Center provides a framework of career awareness, career exploration, and career preparation activities for students to make the essential connection between school and career. They are prepared for this transition by understanding self and others, exploring occupations, making decisions, acquiring work skills and planning for life. The success of this transition depends on the cooperative effort of students, parents, teachers, counselors, and the community. 

College Visits

Juniors and Seniors are encouraged to attend college visits in the Career Center.  College representatives inform students about the school's admissions process and deadlines, campus life, housing, majors available and scholarships. Students can ask questions and meet the person who will read their applications in the future.

These sessions are approximately 30 minutes and are all held in the College & Career Center, unless another location is specified. College visits are updated regularly in Naviance (through students' Blackboard accounts), COLLEGE tab under "upcoming college visits".

Students should sign-up for the visits on-line, print the confirmation page, and ask their teacher to be excused 24 hours in advance of the visit. The confirmation page will serve as the student's pass and it must have a teacher's signature in order to attend the visit. Please note that it is always the teacher’s decision to allow the student to miss instructional time to attend one of these sessions. Students are responsible for any work missed while out of class. If you cannot attend a session, email Ms. Acosta at @email for more information regarding the session.

College Admissions Representatives

The College & Career Center hosts approximately 50 college admissions representatives to meet juniors and seniors each fall. Log onto Naviance (previously Family Connections) to sign up for college visits, research colleges, or explore career inventories. For help, please see Ms. Acosta in the College and Career Center.


College Representative Visits

Students who want to attend the visit MUST sign up through Naviance (Family Connections).

  • Step 1: Student logs onto Blackboard
  • Step 2: Student clicks on Naviance (Family Connection)
  • Step 3: On left-hand menu, under the sub-heading "About Colleges", Click on "VISIT SCHEDULE"
  • Step 4: Find the college you want to attend, click on "SIGN UP"
  • Step 5: Click on "SIGN ME UP"
  • Step 6: An email will be sent to you to confirm your visit, please PRINT this out as this is your pass to get out of class to see the college representative

College Information

  • College catalogs, brochures, and handbooks available for perusal
  • College representatives visit throughout the Fall and Spring
  • Assistance with College Applications - there are about 10 computers for students to use
  • Military academy and ROTC information
  • College statistics on Justice HS and FCPS college admissions in past school years

Career Information

  • Career Cruising
  • Choices CD-ROM for career exploration
  • O*NET - online Dictionary of Occupational Titles
  • Career Reference Library
  • Military Recruiter and Occupational Program visits
  • Interest inventories

Financial Aid Information

  • FAFSA (Financial Aid) Forms
  • Scholarship listings with applications
  • Assistance with scholarship searches
  • Jobs board with local job and volunteering opportunities
  • List of financial aid websites

Important Links