Annandale Family Engagement Survey Results

2021-22 School Year

Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) posted the results of its 2021-22 Family Engagement Survey, which includes information specific to Annandale High School.

We are proud that families at Annandale reported: 

  • 92 percent feel "welcome at my child's school."
  • 92 percent feel "this school welcomes families of different backgrounds and cultures."
  • 92 percent feel "our school recognizes and respects families' cultural, ethnic, and religious diversity."
  • 91 percent feel "information provided to me by my child's school is easy to understand."
  • 84 percent feel "comfortable with information and support from the school system when expected transitions (e.g., starting school, school to school, grade to grade, home instruction to in-school instruction, etc.) occur in my child's life."

The feedback provided will help us strengthen family engagement and continue to foster a Caring Culture.

The survey was open from March 13 - April 10(link is external) and was available in 10 languages. All families in FCPS were asked to provide their feedback on their engagement at their child’s school to address the following topics: 

  • Welcoming environment
  • Communication
  • Student success
  • Advocacy
  • Family and school partnerships
  • Collaboration with the community

View the Annandale Family Engagement Survey results.

View the FCPS webpage for survey results(link is external) throughout the school district. 

For accessibility help with these documents, please contact our school.