
Policies, Procedures and Rules

Attendance Contact Info

By Phone: 703-642-4151

  • (Option 1) – English
  • (Option 2) – Spanish

By Email


Attendance Policy

FCPS Regulation 2234 states that “regular attendance is necessary for maximum school achievement. In addition, punctuality and dependability in meeting assigned responsibilities are personal behavior habits valued in our society. To help students develop desirable behavior patterns, as well as maximize their classroom learning, Fairfax County Public Schools requires that students be punctual and regular in school class attendance. When attendance problems develop, the school system’s resources are made available to aid in solutions to these problems.” It is the responsibility of a parent or guardian to excuse absences within three days.


Attendance Procedures

Students Leaving (checking out) Early: 

  • Send your student to school with a note for early release.
    ○ Your student must bring a note from a parent/guardian to the Attendance Office
    BEFORE the school day begins at 8:10 to receive a dismissal pass.
  •  Parents/guardians must sign student out from the Attendance Office at the release time.
    ○ Failure to sign out will result in unexcused absence for the remainder of the day.
  •  Please try to avoid call in requests for dismissal as our staff has limited time available to monitor and facilitate these requests.

Students Arriving (tardy) Late to School: 

  • Students arriving late to school must check in with the tardy station in the main lobby.
  •  A note is needed to excuse your student’s tardiness. If your student is tardy due to an appointment, a doctor or dentist note is required. Any other lateness will be unexcused.
  • If you are a parent/guardian calling the Attendance Line, please be aware that early morning voicemail messages take time to process. Your student’s attendance may continue to show as unexcused until voicemail is retrieved later in the day.

All Day Excused Absences: 

  • Parents/guardians are able to excuse their student’s absence 10 times throughout the school year. This can be done by calling or emailing the Attendance Line at 703-642-4151.
  • If your student is ill, please provide an explanation of your student’s symptoms.
  • After 10 excused absences, the student will be marked unexcused, unless a doctor note is provided.
  • For an absence to be excused, a parent/guardian must notify the school within 3 school days following the absence

All Day Unexcused Absences: 

  • When a student accrues 5 full days of unexcused absence, the school will reach out to have a conversation with a parent/guardian.
    • If the Attendance Support Team cannot get in touch with a parent/guardian, the team will meet with the student.
  • When a student accrues 10 full days of unexcused absence, the State of Virginia requires parents/guardians to meet in person with our Attendance Support Team. At this meeting we will develop a plan to support your student's attendance and academic success.
  • If you have any questions, please contact Cass Hersh at 703-642-4363 or by emailing [email protected].

Pre-Arranged Absences: 

  • Pre-arranged absences can include religious holidays, out of town or college visits, etc.
  • Students may be excused for a maximum of 5 cumulative school days for pre-arranged absences. If the accumulation of pre-arranged absences exceed 5 school days, the student will be marked as unexcused for any additional absence.
  • When a student knows in advance that they will need to miss two or more days of school, the student must pick up a Pre-Arranged Absence Form from the Attendance Office for parents/guardians to complete.
    • The parent/guardian must state the reason and the exact dates of the absence.
    • The form must then be signed by the student’s teachers.
    • This completed form must be returned to the Attendance Office for Administration review at least three days before the absence begins.

Tardiness to Class: 

  • Students accumulating excessive tardies throughout the school week will be assigned lunch detention to serve the following week.
  • Students and families will be notified of the lunch detention. Students with habitual tardiness will face progressive consequences.
  • If you have any questions about the school’s tardy policy, please contact Cass Hersh at 703-642-4363 or by emailing [email protected].


Please remember to contact the school when your student is absent, so that we are aware of the absence and that we know your student is safe. To report any future absence please call our Attendance Office at: 703-642-4151. Parents/Guardians may receive automated text and email notifications from FCPS when a students’ attendance in class is unverified.