Jazz Ensemble

A select group of instrumentalists from band or other music program.

The Jazz Ensemble

A select group of instrumentalists from the band program (with the possible exception of piano, bass, and guitar). Membership is by audition or director permission.

The repertoire of the ensemble is selected from a variety of jazz styles. Rehearsals are after school on a designated weekly schedule and begin after marching band has concluded.

This ensemble studies the literature, rehearsal, and performance techniques of past and current popular jazz music, including emphasis on improvisational techniques. The jazz ensemble performs at select concerts and events during the year.

Course Description

JAZZ ENSEMBLE (924015) - Level 1
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12 Credit: one
Prerequisite: Successful audition or permission of the instructor 
Co-requisite: Schools may require membership in an intermediate or advanced band class, and may require participation in marching band.

The instrumental jazz ensemble curriculum emphasizes improvisation and styles of the jazz idiom.

Content includes the study of blues scale patterns and harmonic progressions innate in jazz music. Content also includes the study of the appropriate jazz literature and rehearsal and performance techniques from the jazz idiom.

Instrumentation of the jazz ensemble is at the discretion of the instructor.

Marching band techniques and performances may be included.

Students must meet both the school day and outside of the school day participation requirements to receive credit for the course. This course requires a student materials fee as listed in FCPS Notice 5922.