New Annandale HS Website!
Annandale HS is one of the first schools to move its website to the new format adopted by Fairfax County Public Schools this past summer.
If you are not able to find the information you need on our home page, you can use any of the following:
Search Function, similar to the way you would look for information on Google,
Top Menu, which links to main topics including About, Academics, Activities, Resources, and Contact
Full Menu, in the upper left-hand corner of the home page, which shows all the items under the main topics.
Our new site offers several important advantages, including:
Displaying on mobile devices, an important feature because so many of you are coming to the site through cell phones,
Enabling the easy sharing of content between school and Fairfax County Public Schools (for example, emergency alerts about weather closures etc. from the main site will be promptly displayed on the school site),
Making navigation of sites easier for parents as children progress through the FCPS schools because all sites will feature similar menus, and
Featuring accessibility to all users with disabilities (508 compliant).
Thank you to those who helped with many of the transition components of our new site, including Monica Bentley and Patrick Pacak who have both been instrumental in identifying content that we want displayed on our new site.
I want to also personally acknowledge our site curator Jane Scharankov for her countless hours in learning how to use and manage the new system, the migration of the existing content onto the new platform, and for helping to set a new standard in high school web design.
While we have tried to include all of the information that you come to rely on, there may be something that we have forgotten. If this is the case, feel free to contact Jane Scharankov at @email.