Annandale High School Science Fair By Tim Thomas, Principal February 07, 2019 Share Page Students present their work at the Annandale High School science fair on February 6, 2019. Students present their work at the Annandale High School science fair on February 6, 2019. A student researched the effect of the RPM on voltage produced and presented his findings on Pedal Power. A student researched the effect of the RPM on voltage produced and presented his findings on Pedal Power. These students studied the effect of temperature on the elasticity of rubber. These students studied the effect of temperature on the elasticity of rubber. This presentation shows the effect of placement of plastic sheets on the visibility of a 3D projected image. This presentation shows the effect of placement of plastic sheets on the visibility of a 3D projected image. A student presents his work to a judge at the science fair explaining the relationship between variables in a viscous fluid. A student presents his work to a judge at the science fair explaining the relationship between variables in a viscous fluid. AHS student presents his work to a judge at the science fair. AHS student presents his work to a judge at the science fair. An AHS student displays her presentation on the effect of water absorption on the distrivution of a bloodstain on fabric. An AHS student displays her presentation on the effect of water absorption on the distrivution of a bloodstain on fabric. Student explains her work to the judge on the effect of placement of plastic sheets on the visibility of a 3D projected image. Student explains her work to the judge on the effect of placement of plastic sheets on the visibility of a 3D projected image. A student explains her hypothesis and research to a judge at the science fair. A student explains her hypothesis and research to a judge at the science fair. A student shows her research on the effectiveness of natural and artificial preservatives on bread. A student shows her research on the effectiveness of natural and artificial preservatives on bread. A group of students discuss their presentation at the science fair. A group of students discuss their presentation at the science fair. A student explains her presentation to a science fair judge. A student explains her presentation to a science fair judge. Students explain their research on the effect of PH levels on raw chicken to a science fair judge. Students explain their research on the effect of PH levels on raw chicken to a science fair judge. Students at AHS present their work on the dissolution rate of an effervescent medication. Students at AHS present their work on the dissolution rate of an effervescent medication. Student presents her study on water filtering at the science fair. Student presents her study on water filtering at the science fair. Students present their research on the effect of the amount of oxygen in sand. Students present their research on the effect of the amount of oxygen in sand. PreviousNext