Online AHS Library Resources

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Email Us:

Mrs. Brown, Head Librarian, email: @email

Ms. Scharankov, Librarian, email: @email


Databases for Research and Class Projects

Search the Annandale HS Databases for Digital Information

  • For access from home, you will need logins and passwords, which can be found in the AHS Library Course in Schoology
  • For access on campus, logins and passwords are not necessary
  • Below we have organized our subscriptions two different ways. You can find the database you want to use from our alphabetical list of databases, or you can choose the subject you're working in which will list all the AHS databases that would likely be appropriate for your subject.

Alphabetical List of Databases

Database Subject Area or Type of Database
ABC-CLIO English & Social Studies
Britannica ImageQuest Image Collection
Britannica School Encyclopedia
CultureGrams Social Studies
EBSCO Master File Complete  Multiple Subjects
Gale  Portal to 26 Different Gale Databases. Check Here for Any Topic.
JSTOR Search journals, primary sources, and books on JSTOR
myOn Ebooks
PebbleGo Emerging Reader Multidisciplinary Database
Smithsonian Primary Sources in US History Primary Sources
Soundzabound Royalty-Free Audio Tracks for Your School Projects